
Junior Doctor Employment in ACT Training Region

Looking for information on employment? In the ACT and South-East NSW prevocational training region, junior doctors are employed through the Canberra Health Services. Applications for medical internship are generally accepted prior to June in the year preceding commencement.

ACT Intern Priority List

Australian Medical Workforce Information

Careers - Specialty Comparison

Map My Health Career provides information for junior doctors on different medical specialties. The site includes information about expected training duration, working hours and conditions, current number of trainees nationally and whether the specialty is over or undersubscribed. The site includes videos from specialists and doctors in training talking about the medical careers and experiences. The site has a useful comparison function, allowing junior doctors to directly compare career opportunities and conditions in different medical specialties.

Health Workforce Australia Future Medical Workforce Reports

Health Workforce Australia has undertaken work force analysis on the future for Australia’s medical profession. Doctors - Australia’s Future Health Workforce Report was published in 2014 and presents analysis of the country’s long term medical workforce needs up to 2030.

Health Workforce Australia has undertaken also work force analysis a range of medical specialties including anaesthetics, emergency medicine, dermatology and several other specialties. The reports present analysis of Australia’s workforce needs in specific medical fields up to 2030.